Introducing the GUNAI GN21 Electric Dirt Bike

 A Powerful Electric Mountain Motorcycle Are you ready to experience the thrill of off-road riding with the convenience of electric power? Look no further than the GUNAI GN21 Electric Dirt Bike. With its striking resemblance...

Discovering Convenience and Style with the GUNAI GN20

 GUNAI GN20: Your Ultimate 20-Inch Folding Commuter City Electric Bike Are you ready to revolutionize your daily commute or leisurely rides with the perfect blend of convenience and style? Look no further than the GUNAI...

Smooth in the snow, a new option for Christmas city adventures!

During the Christmas season, cities are covered with snow, embellished with a rich festive atmosphere. At this special time of year, we recommend an e-bike that complements the snow and adds fun to your urban...

The Importance of Motors for Electric Bicycles

An e-bike is a vehicle that combines a bicycle and an electric motor that provides power through electricity and saves the user's energy while riding. The motor plays a very important role in this. How...

Why choose 29inch electric bike?

MTBs with 29 inch wheels are often referred to as 29er mountain bikes. In short: they're famed for their increased stability and smoother riding quality.   29 inch wheels also have a larger contact patch...

What is an electric cargo bike?

What is an electric cargo bike? A cargo bike is a bike designed to carry loads. They are equipped with a sturdy frame, large cargo capacity,delivery box.   The adult eletric bike With a 48V...

What is an All-Wheel-Drive(Dual motor) electric bike?

What Is an AWD Electric Bike? An AWD electric bike has two motors, one on each wheel. The two motors don't mean you can ride twice as fast due to legal and technical reasons. However,...

Shop Now,Pay Later with Klarna

Our website supports the use of Klarna in the following countries: UK, Italy, Spain, France,Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Germany, USA, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands.   Klarna is a Swedish fintech company that provides online financial services...

How to Clean an Electric Bike?

What you need when clean the bike? Cleaning an electric bike doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Following is what you need: ●Clean rags- You will need quite a number of them for tasks...

Why choose fat tire electric bike?

Fat tire electric bikes are among the most recent inventions in bicycle technology. The extra-wide tires (four inches or more) improve comfort and rollover ability, and the electric motor dramatically reduces the effort required to...

Winter Care Tips for E-bike Battery

  Both excessive cold and excessive heat are not good for e-Bike batteries. Living in areas where the temperature drops to a minus extreme, you are concerned ‘How to properly take care of your e-Bike...

Factors Affecting Riding Range

You will undoubtedly have realized over multiple adventures on your ebike that the range will fluctuate. You and your partner or a friend may have the same ebike and ride together at the same pace...

Tips for safety riding

Electric bikes are on the rise and we are soon starting to see how they have the potential to reshape urban transport as we know it. Not only is it convenient and can reduce traffic...